Sunday, December 10

"Auntie" Jess running Las Vegas marathon!

"If that little guy can survive what he's gone through, and with such strength and grace, then I can run 26 miles."


GoQuinnGo! said...

I know Karra uses it enough to copyright it, but the word "AWESOME" is the best way to describe this.

I know I won't be the only one blown away by this monster display of love. Thank you Jess. Quinn is too busy to say much, so I'll say it for him again. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Joe. Is that quote about running 26 miles from Jess, or from you? I didn't know you were a distance guy. Is Jess borrowing your shirt?

You look good Jess.

GoQuinnGo! said...

Why yes, I thought there might be some confusuion over that. Glad you were able to ascertain what I meant with little trouble.

By the way, it was all down hill, so I had an advantage. Can you believe I made it in one hour?

Now that was not my shirt, but I expect her to return my pants.

GoQuinnGo! said...

LOL, can't wait to see you to Jess. The fact that the shirt is coming apart is a testament to how fast you run. Good thing it was the shirt coming apart and not the pants! I still need them back.