Thursday, December 20

Quinn's Cousin Mary, Mystic CT USA


Anonymous said...

Dearest Quinn,

We haven't met yet, but we will soon. You will be spending warm summer days swimming in my pool and playing with your Cousin Mary at my house. I'm your Aunt Kristin's mommy - Mary's grandma. And Grandpa Pete and I are so proud of you and your Mommy and Daddy. You've had a rough start,but there must be wonderful things in store for you!!! With much love and hope,

Anonymous said...

Dear Quinn: Can't wait to see all of your new and old friends around the world on this blog! Our photos are coming soon!

Love, "Aunt Robin"

Anonymous said...

Hi Quinn!! As soon as I have a chance I'll take a picture... perhaps with all of my co-workers. We're all rooting for you!!

Uncle Brian

GoQuinnGo! said...

Hey Mary, hold up the sign. Mary... Look this way. Hold up the sign. Ok Mary. Mary. Hold up the sign Mary. Hey! Come back... ok... Hold up the sign Mary. Ok look thi... Oh! Right there!


Sigh. I love you too Mary.

Anonymous said...

Go Quinn Go. I have a little girl who defied all logic and is healthy and happy, you stay the course.

My thoughts and prayers of our family is with you

Becky Loding (friend of Joanne Anderson)